Business Vocabulary

  1. 2. Insufficiency or shortness of supply
  2. 7. Falsely altering documents of legal value
  3. 8. Money given in hopes of profitable returns
  4. 9. An estimate of expected income and expenses
  5. 11. A thing produced by labor
  6. 13. Individuals united for joint action & purpose
  7. 16. Stealing money or property entrusted to you
  8. 17. Person's work or business to earn a living
  9. 18. Cost or charge
  10. 19. The amount of money equal to the items value
  11. 21. Revenue received for goods or completed services
  12. 23. Item/Resource owned, used as exchange of value
  13. 24. The ability to convert assets to cash
  14. 25. Advancement in rank or position
  15. 27. Maintaining & auditing the books of a firm
  1. 1. Person who manages business with high risks
  2. 3. Wealth is made& maintained by Corps or 1person
  3. 4. Wrongful act that injures someone or their property
  4. 5. Person or firm to whom money is due
  5. 6. Supply of money or resources for a purpose
  6. 7. The management of revenues
  7. 10. Person under financial obligation or in debt
  8. 12. The recording or entry of debt in an account
  9. 13. Agreement between 2+ parties for specific reason
  10. 14. To put aside money as a result in economy or thrift
  11. 15. Skill of keeping account books and records
  12. 18. Deals with production and consumption of goods
  13. 20. Obligations entered as claims on assets
  14. 22. Institution for money and other financial business
  15. 26. An occupation, profession, or trade