- 5. general direction in the process of change
- 6. an action or event marking a signifigant change in development
- 8. owns overall rights and trademarks of the company
- 10. a change over that time keeps increasing is the _____ trend
- 11. something you'd like to have, but not essential
- 12. a financial establishment that invests money when deposited by customers
- 13. making the company smaller by taking away staff positions
- 16. a product/service with a very short lifecycle
- 17. a stock or supply of money,materials, and other assets
- 20. companies or institutions coming together/combining
- 1. proceeds after the capital/investments are paid off
- 2. carefully predict the future based on analysis of the past
- 3. the study of the characteristcs of a population
- 4. a person who predicts the future based on observed trends
- 7. an agreement that purchases rights to a business
- 9. somebody risks something in hopes for a profit
- 14. something that essential to your life
- 15. results of achievement towards where the efforts were directed
- 18. cicumstances that help progress or advancement is call a _____stone
- 19. classification of an investor profile, an outlined view