
  1. 4. The gentle and rapid movement of a butterfly's wings.
  2. 6. The seasonal movement of butterflies to different regions.
  3. 10. The process of transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
  4. 11. A sweet liquid found in flowers that butterflies feed on.
  5. 13. The protective covering where a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.
  6. 14. The fine, powdery substance produced by flowers that butterflies may carry from one flower to another.
  7. 15. Having qualities that please the eye, like the colors and patterns of a butterfly's wings.
  1. 1. To fly lightly and quickly, like a butterfly.
  2. 2. A place where flowers and plants grow, often attracting butterflies.
  3. 3. The thin, sensory organs on a butterfly's head.
  4. 5. The worm-like larval stage of a butterfly.
  5. 7. A small animal with six legs, like a butterfly.
  6. 8. The delicate, colorful structures that enable butterflies to fly.
  7. 9. The quality of being visually pleasing, like the appearance of a butterfly.
  8. 12. Full of vivid colors, like the wings of a butterfly.