Byzantine and Kievan Rus' Crossword

  1. 7. Series of books written about the history of the Kievan Rus’ by Nestor, stores recorded information from 850 CE to 1110 CE
  2. 14. Book written by Procopius that told the life of Justinian I
  3. 15. Reigned from 610 CE to 641 CE, recovered the True Cross
  4. 16. Kievan prince that wanted to divide his wealth among his sons, after his death, civil war breaks out for land and power
  5. 17. Religious building influenced by the Byzantines to be built with 25 domes, named after St Sophia
  6. 18. Kievan Prince that reigned 879 CE -912 CE, expanded the Kievan dynasty by conquering many tribes,
  7. 19. Location where three brothers established themselves here to rule the Varangians, later also ruled by Prince Oleg,
  8. 21. Capital of the Byzantine Empire, area of widespread trade and Christianity, city heavily influenced trading with the Kievan Rus’
  9. 22. Great river of Western Russia that ran South to North, Enabled trade between Scandinavia and Constantinople
  10. 23. Became part of the Byzantine Empire after the death of their king, conflicted with the Byzantines many times from 680 CE to 1355 CE
  11. 24. First ruler of the Byzantine Empire, named the capital city after himself, reigned 307-337 CE
  12. 25. Social belief in the destruction of icons
  13. 28. A christian church blending hellenistic and Byzantine architecture, has a large dome and pendentive supports
  14. 32. Place of worship for followers of Eastern Christianity
  15. 34. A petroleum, quicklime, and sulfur mixture that was used by the Byzantines for siege defense
  16. 35. City occupied by the Khazars before Rurik invaded, became capital of Rurik dynasty and center of trade
  17. 37. Co-regents of the Byzantine Empire from 1042 CE-1056 CE, sisters who were the nieces of Basil II
  18. 38. Holy city that was fought over during the Crusades
  19. 39. Ruler of Kievan Rus’ from 980 to 1015 CE; converted himself, and his kingdom to Christianity
  20. 41. Reigned from 1081 CE to 1118 CE, inherited an empire that was collapsing, curbed the decline of the Byzantines by restoration and reform efforts
  21. 42. A series of 3 books for first year students just starting their education, persons, things, & actions but it also carried the force of law, finalized and Published in 533 CE
  22. 44. Another name for the Neo Persian Empire, before the rise of Islam
  23. 45. Contemporary historian scholar under Justinian, has written works such as The Wars of Justinian, The Buildings of Justinian, and Secret History
  24. 46. Spread of Greek influences that had begun after the Conquest of Alexander the Great
  25. 50. Letter that proclaimed religious tolerance in the Roman Empire, Constantine was a spokesperson for the conception of the writing in 313 CE
  26. 51. First ruler of the Rurik dynasty, took over the city of Kiev and made it the capital of the dynasty
  27. 52. Location of a battle that was a major loss for the Byzantines, large army was annihilated and couldn’t recover
  28. 54. Based on a turkish word that the Rus’ called the Mongols
  1. 1. Alphabet Alphabet that was created to translate Greek words to Slavic
  2. 2. Name of the line of succession in the Byzantine Empire, anyone could take the throne as there was no clear line of succession
  3. 3. Russian aristocrats that had less political power than their counterpart in Western Europe
  4. 4. Two missionaries that translated Greek words to Slavic
  5. 5. Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, initiated the first iconoclasm
  6. 6. City that was under Mongol rule, they chose Muscovite princes as the Grand Prince of the Kievan Rus’
  7. 8. Asian nomadic tribes
  8. 9. Empire ruled by Justinian I, and Constantine I
  9. 10. A series of diverse laws issued in 529 CE, finalized in 534 CE, never enacted during Justinian’s reign
  10. 11. Founded by Batu Khan in 1240 CE, political structure ruled by a Khan, successfully invaded Kievan dynasty and forced them to submit to their rule that lasted until 1480 CE
  11. 12. Russian form of Christianity imported from the Byzantine Empire
  12. 13. tribes from the Ural mountains that settled in Hungary
  13. 20. Most violent riot in Constantinople, occurred in 532 CE and lasted for a week
  14. 23. A Byzantine emperor who reigned 976 CE to 1025 CE, defeated the Bulgarian army in 1014
  15. 26. Religion that had many branches similar to Eastern Orthodoxy or Catholicism,
  16. 27. twelve books that related to different forms of law, published and finalized in 534 CE
  17. 29. Semi nomadic peoples who controlled Kiev and ruled Khazaria, played a role in the silk road and became a trade empire
  18. 30. Passages and collections written by Roman Jurists, divided into 50 books of varying topics, published in 533 CE
  19. 31. Favorite general of Justinian I, was accompanied on conquests by Procopius
  20. 33. Event where Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christianity excommunicate each other and become separate religions
  21. 36. The belief that kings and emperors have a right to rule given to them by God, similar to Mandate of Heaven
  22. 40. Ruler of Byzantine Empire from 527-565 CE, desired to retake Western Rome, and created a law code
  23. 43. Western Roman territory prior to its fall, land that was disputed between Bulgaria and the Byzantines from 680 CE, and ended in 1453 CE
  24. 47. Christians that attempted to conquer the Holy land from the Muslims nine times
  25. 48. Paintings of saints, and other religious figures
  26. 49. Served as the capital of the Ostrogothic Kingdom until it was re-conquered in 540 CE by the Byzantine Empire
  27. 53. Slavic version of the word Caesar
  28. 55. A republic that turned into an Empire, eventually split between Eastern and Western Halves