Byzantine Empire Review Puzzle

  1. 2. People who opposed the use of icons in Christianity were call ______.
  2. 7. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire who ruled most of Europe? (2 words)
  3. 9. These marvels of engineering improved the quality of life for people living in cities by piping in usable water.
  4. 14. This city was sacked & taken over by Germanic tribes.
  5. 15. Which Roman architectural feature allowed for larger rooms, hallways and windows?
  6. 16. When Christians in the west disagreed with Christians in the east over beliefs and authority, they split apart. This was called the ___ ___. (2 words)
  7. 17. Justinian and his wife Theodora were unique rulers because they came from ____ families.
  8. 18. One of the biggest impacts Justinian made was that he grew the empire to its greatest ____ ever (he even re-conquered the land that used to be Western Rome).
  9. 20. Words such as “census” and “sponsor” show the influence of __ on the English language.
  10. 21. After Justinian was emperor, the empire slowly began to ____ in size.
  11. 22. One of Justinian's legacies was that he collected a law ____ (which reorganized and simplified Roman law).
  1. 1. One of Justinian's great accomplishments was that he rebuilt the Byzantine Empire's most important church. It was called the _____ _____. (2 words)
  2. 3. When Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople it _____ the Western Empire’s military defenses.
  3. 4. A major contribution of the Roman Empire to Western culture is its concepts of ____, justice, and citizenship.
  4. 5. Another word that the Romans used to refer to the Germanic tribes was ____.
  5. 6. The biggest conflict between eastern Christians and western Christians that led to the Great Schism was the disagreement over who should ____ the church.
  6. 8. Constantine ___ the persecution of Christians (when he passed the Edict of Milan).
  7. 10. The fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman ____ helped to start the Renaissance in Europe.
  8. 11. The use of Latin phrases such as “E Pluribus unum” (one out of many) as the US motto are evidence that Latin is a _______ of Rome because it still continues to have influence on our modern world.
  9. 12. Which city was an ideal location for a capital because of its proximity to sea trade routes and because it was easy to defend?
  10. 13. Most citizens of the Byzantine Empire were Christians, and most spoke ____.
  11. 19. Historically, one of the most important things the Byzantine Empire did was protect and preserve the ____ of Ancient Greece and Rome.