C - 3

  1. 1. I watched a comedy last night, it was very _____.
  2. 2. Jane ______ to school every day.
  3. 4. I ate ___ ____ chocolate, now my stomach hurts.
  4. 6. proche de
  5. 7. What time are you going to eat ______ today? 12:30 or 1:00 pm?
  6. 9. I have one _____, a daughter who is 3 years old.
  7. 12. vraiment
  8. 13. I usually have coffee and cereal for ________.
  9. 14. serveur
  1. 1. My dress is too big, it doesn't ____ me.
  2. 3. I want to do a fitness class, but I'm too tired to _______.
  3. 5. _____ _____ children have you got? I have three children.
  4. 8. I don't feel good, my head ______.
  5. 10. _______ Kevin like to play tennis?
  6. 11. She has 4 dogs, that is ___ ____ !