  1. 1. The airspace with the busiest airports.
  2. 5. Contact the LEAP agent to obtain this information
  3. 6. The first step in determining if an individual is flying under Part 107 is to ask for his ____________
  4. 10. Flying at night requires this
  5. 11. Investigators must identify these types of characteristics for enforcement
  6. 15. This national organization has community-based safety standards
  7. 17. A three letter acronym for identifying a threat’s Course of Action
  8. 18. The agent at the FAA who can assist with investigations
  1. 1. The California Public Utilities Code defines an aircraft as a manned
  2. 2. This is determined by examining probability and severity
  3. 3. To fly under Sec 44809, you must fly under this type of safety guidelines
  4. 4. We need to examine capabilities and _________ of the threat
  5. 5. Data on a sUAS can be wiped
  6. 7. The “S” in UAS is for _________________
  7. 8. The courts held that states could attach criminal penalties to FAR violations because the criminal aspects were “delegated”, This case is People v. ___________________
  8. 9. Part 91 applies to aircraft weighing _____________ than 55 lbs.
  9. 12. This is triggered by the Supremacy Claus in the US Constitution
  10. 13. This is required when flying under Sec 44809 within controlled airspace
  11. 14. Neither Sec 44809 or Part 107 allow for the ____________ or reckless operation of an aircraft
  12. 16. This organization cannot promulgate any rule or regulation regarding model aircraft