Ca- CH 9th Grade Word List

  1. 1. a large strong building with towers and high walls that was built in the past to protect the people inside from being attacked
  2. 2. bulls and cows kept on a farm for their meat or milk
  3. 4. someone who controls a meeting, company or other organization
  4. 5. a large hole in the side of a mountain or underground
  5. 10. a person in a story, book, film, etc.
  6. 12. relating to chemistry
  7. 14. a device that is used to recharge a battery (=fill it with electricity), for example in a mobile phone
  8. 15. a special social event, such as a party, when you celebrate something, or the act of celebrating something
  9. 16. deciding between two or more possibilities
  10. 17. to do something enjoyable because it is a special day, or because something good has happened
  11. 19. to discover an amount or number using mathematics
  1. 1. a device that collects and stores electricity
  2. 3. a substance in foods, such as potatoes or sugar, that gives your body energy
  3. 4. an official document that gives details to show that something is true
  4. 6. a restaurant in an office, factory or school
  5. 7. a large animal that lives in the desert of Africa or Asia and has one or two humps
  6. 8. a group of people or things of a similar type
  7. 9. a series of organized activities or events intended to achieve a result
  8. 10. a political and economic system in which industry is owned privately for profit and not by the state
  9. 11. a list of things you must do
  10. 13. a sweet, brown food made from cacao beans
  11. 15. electronic equipment that you use to do mathematics
  12. 17. the scientific study of substances and the different ways in which they react or combine with other substances
  13. 18. a funny drawing, especially in a newspaper or magazine
  14. 19. costing little money or less than is usual or expected
  15. 20. a professional cook who is usually in charge of the kitchen