Cabbage Patch Kids:

  1. 3. - Cabbage Patch Kids were a fad in the 1980s, with long lines and frenzied buying during the holiday season
  2. 5. - Cabbage Patch Kids were designed to be played with and loved by children
  3. 6. - Cabbage Patch Kids came with their unique outfits and accessories
  4. 7. - Cabbage Patch Kids had a distinctive signature on their bottoms, verifying their authenticity
  5. 12. - The backstory of Cabbage Patch Kids involved them coming from an "orphanage" and waiting to be "adopted" by children
  6. 13. - A smaller, "cuter" line of Cabbage Patch Kids dolls
  7. 14. papers - Each Cabbage Patch Kid came with its adoption papers, adding to the immersive experience of "adopting" a doll
  8. 15. - Cabbage Patch Kids also had a line of baby dolls
  1. 1. - Older, original Cabbage Patch Kids dolls are now considered "vintage" and highly sought-after by collectors
  2. 2. - The creator of Cabbage Patch Kids, Xavier Roberts
  3. 4. - Cabbage Patch Kids were a line of popular dolls in the 1980s
  4. 8. - Each Cabbage Patch Kid had a unique name and backstory, and children could "adopt" them
  5. 9. - Cabbage Patch Kids became a popular collectible item in the 1980s
  6. 10. - Cabbage Patch Kids had distinctive yarn hair, which varied in color and style
  7. 11. - Cabbage Patch Kids had unique, round noses that added to their distinctive look.