Cabinet Crossword

  1. 1. Focused on the development and advancement of US energy to be cleaner and more sustainable. Also helps set regulation for energy production.
  2. 5. USDA
  3. 7. This groups main purpose to to print and coin money, supervising national banks, and managing federal finance
  4. 9. This group's main concern lies with promoting and protecting the health of the US citizens. Also helps fund research projects in social services, public health, etc…
  5. 10. Responsible for the management of public (federal) lands, US National Parks, and protection of endangered species.
  6. 11. Acts as the President's chief advisor on foreign policy and conducts negotiation with foreign nations
  1. 1. Works to help develop and promote welfare of workers, and works to help improve working conditions and assure working benefits
  2. 2. Helps establish national policy and helps organized assistance for education via the Federal Government
  3. 3. Focuses on creation of programs and national policy that deals with low incoming housing in the United States of America
  4. 4. This group is responsible for providing benefits, healthcare, and cemetery services to former armed forces personnel.
  5. 6. Helps the president evaluate and develop policy, sets and plans training for armed forces, and oversees all aspects of the US Military
  6. 7. group's responsibility is to help develop and execute federal laws that involve farmers, forestry, our nation's rural development, and FOOD!
  7. 8. Helps protect the US from terrorist attacks/helps respond to natural disasters.
  8. 9. This Department is responsible for the planning and execution of federal transportation projects. They also set safety restrictions for vehicles.
  9. 10. Will prosecute those who break federal law, represents US GOV in supreme court cases, helps ensure peace and safety for US both domestically and abroad.
  10. 12. This group works with business, universities, communities, and our Nations workers to help promote/create Jobs and grow our economy.