- 3. A path for electricity to travel along. Most are designed as loops with a switch that can turn on and off.
- 5. Writing a computer program, which is known as code
- 6. _______________ materials are substances that carry electricity easily, such as metals
- 7. Way of controlling how a robot moves by changing its physical design
- 10. A _____________________ in a computer program tells the computer to make a choice between two or more actions. Usually written as IF-THEN-ELSE
- 14. One step in a computer program
- 15. A way of presenting information using only two symbols. In math, it consists of the numbers 0 and 1
- 16. Scientist that works on robots and related technology
- 17. Writing out a computer program in everyday language.
- 18. __________________ materials don't carry electricity easily. Used to cover conductive materials.
- 19. Information that a computer can understand
- 21. Point at which an artificial life form that looks almost real appears more threatening than friendly
- 23. A machine that can perform three kinds of tasks: sense, think and act
- 26. __________________ are like a mini-program within another program. It's a series of commands that is given a name.
- 27. Electronic component that transmits information to the robot from the environment
- 1. To get rid of a problem in the computer program
- 2. _________________________ means keeping a record as you create your design, from idea to completion.
- 4. The branch of technology that deals with designing, building and using robots
- 8. A type of computer program that acts as if it can think like a human.
- 9. A computer programming shortcut that tells the computer to go back and repeat a series of commands
- 11. A set of step-by-step instructions to carry out a task.
- 12. Part of a robot that can move around. Examples include robot arms or legs
- 13. takes energy and uses it to power a robot's movement; Examples include an electric motor or hydraulic pump
- 20. _________________ robots work some or all the time without human control. They can make decisions based on their programming and input from the environment
- 22. program A set of instructions that tell the computer what to do
- 24. Refers to a robots body
- 25. A problem in a computer program