Calc Crossword

  1. 1. integrate by _____
  2. 3. opposite of integral
  3. 4. something we did in the beginning of the year
  4. 5. stufano who's our teacher?
  5. 8. rule rule used in deriving
  6. 12. rule similar to simpsons, 222
  7. 13. integral integral without a flat line
  8. 15. same as above, different ending
  9. 16. more specifically what type of math?
  10. 17. problem long math problem using words
  1. 2. another word for interals
  2. 6. 4242 rule
  3. 7. integral integral with a flat line
  4. 9. opposite of derivatives
  5. 10. integrate using ____
  6. 11. what subject is this?
  7. 14. y=mx+b is a type of ____