Calculate Me Back To Life

  1. 2. We say that a is a ______ of X if (1). a ∈ X and (2). for all b ∈ X we have b ≤ a
  2. 7. Let m, n ∈ Z. A _______ _______ of m, n is an integer am + bn, for a, b ∈ Z. We write Zm + Zn to denote the set of linear combinations of m, n.
  3. 8. a ________ is a composite statement that is always false.
  4. 14. F=(mv^2)/r
  5. 15. Let (an) and (bn) be sequences of positive real numbers. Then if the Limit where n tends to infinity of bn/an is equal to K, where K ∈ R with K > 0, the ‘an has the same ____ __ _____ as bn.’
  6. 17. i = √−1.
  7. 18. We say that a is a minimum of X if (1). a ∈ X and (2). for all b ∈ X we have a ≤ b.
  8. 19. If a sequence (an) converges, then its limit is ______ .
  9. 20. The complex number z can be represented as a point in an (x, y) plane which is called an _____ ______ .
  10. 22. Two vectors are ______ if and only if they have the same magnitude and the same direction.
  11. 23. a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
  12. 25. A sequence (an) is _______ _______ if an+1 ≤ an for all n ∈ N.
  13. 26. Two composite statements are ______ ______ if, given the same truth values for the simple statements, they give the same truth values for the composite statements.
  14. 27. An _____ is a whole number
  1. 1. m/n.
  2. 3. A sequence (an) is _______ _______ if an+1 ≥ an for all n ∈ N.
  3. 4. The sum from n=1 to infinity of ax^(n-1)
  4. 5. Given a statement P ⇒ Q, the ________ of this statement is (not Q) ⇒ (not P).
  5. 6. F= -kΔx
  6. 9. √n.
  7. 10. The magnitude of a vector a is a non-negative scalar called the ______, written |a|.
  8. 11. A _______ is a composite statement that is always true, regardless of the truth values of the simple statements from which it is built.
  9. 12. Let m, n ∈ Z. We say that m, n are _____ if (m, n) = 1.
  10. 13. a + b = b + a
  11. 14. The reflection of the point z across the x axis is called the ____ _____ of z, given by z¯ = x − iy.
  12. 16. z = r cos θ + ir sin θ .
  13. 21. A ______ is a set of symbols (remember words are symbols) which form an assertion that is either true or false, but not both.
  14. 24. Given a statement P ⇒ Q, the ______ of this statement is Q ⇒ P.