CalFresh Awareness Month

  1. 1. What is the color group has the primary function to take CalFresh applications over the phone?
  2. 7. Services has 3 questions to evaluate if a house hold is eligible.
  3. 10. The NOMI form number is CF 386. NOMI stands for this: Notice of ______ ______. (do not include a space when filling in the crossword).
  4. 12. What is the minimum age at which a child in the household is no longer considered a mandatory household member if they do not purchase and prepare their food with the rest of the CalFresh household? (do not include a space when filling in the crossword).
  5. 13. A person who is an Able Bodied Adult Without dependents is a CalFresh recipients who do not have any dependent ________ in the home
  6. 14. 13 is issued to explain civil rights in the customers primary language.
  1. 2. The ______ Color Group handles CalFresh Renewals that do not have any active Cash Aid programs open.
  2. 3. MCE stands for Modified ______ Eligible.
  3. 4. 624 is the Maximum Excess ________ Cost for 2022-2023.
  4. 5. The CF 37 must be completed for all CalFresh only household during the CalFresh ___________.
  5. 6. You can apply for CalFresh the following ways: in person, _______, by mail, by fax, over the phone.
  6. 8. What is the first thing we send to a customer when they state they want to apply for CalFresh? (do not include a space when filling in the crossword).
  7. 9. How many days to do we have to process Expedited Services?
  8. 11. The age range for a person to be considered Work Registrant is sixteen to _________________. (do not include a space when filling in the crossword).