Call Center Customer Service week

  1. 3. / The South Waterfront building that brings together OHSU, OSU and PSU.
  2. 7. / To get onto the code line after it is answered you must do this.
  3. 8. / The best department at OHSU.
  4. 10. / OHSU President Danny __________
  5. 12. / Only the ICU's, ER and ____ can call an Urgent Airway Assistance
  6. 14. / The code for a threatening or combative person.
  7. 16. / The first two words in the proper operator greeting.
  8. 18. / The Department that handles Advice and Referral calls at OHSU.
  9. 19. / The code for a person with a weapon
  10. 20. / ITG division you are part of.
  11. 22. / The new phones system.
  12. 23. / Agent Call out procedure group paging number.
  1. 1. / Telecom Manager Janice _____
  2. 2. / Wireless communication system used in the hospital in conjuncture with nurse call.
  3. 4. / Users can change their pager status via phone by using this.
  4. 5. / The on-call call center supervisor can be found under this acronym
  5. 6. / This grey device is used to send pages if SmartConsole is down.
  6. 7. / OHSU Call Center knowledge repository.
  7. 9. / The software used to populate the Plasma screen tattle board.
  8. 11. / OHSU CIO Bridget ______
  9. 13. / Amcom changed their name to this.
  10. 15. / Headset brand for the operators.
  11. 17. / System used for timekeeping.
  12. 21. / System used to make punch in/out changes.