Call Types Quiz

  1. 1. bank of america calls to say they have a box full of white powder delivered
  2. 4. caller reporting that someone dropped off their trash at the dead end of the roadway
  3. 5. open line with sounds of distress
  4. 7. mom stabbed daughter with kitchen knife
  5. 9. child calls to say that his dad his hitting his mom
  6. 11. what should a man trying car doors in the parking lot be?
  7. 15. what do you classify fire coming out of the roof at the Harper House in as?
  8. 17. how do you classify new mulch in the median burning?
  9. 18. how do you classify someone spray painting a racial remark all over the caller’s vehicle?
  10. 20. what do you put a fire on the stove in as?
  11. 21. What call type do you use for a crashed plane?
  12. 22. how do you classify a bunch of kids fighting and arguing in front of the building?
  1. 1. caller advised that they smell smoke outside
  2. 2. what do you put a fire on the stove that caught the curtains on fire in the caller’s townhouse in as?
  3. 3. what about a child left in a car in the summer and the car isn’t running?
  4. 4. how do you classify tagging on an electrical box of something lewd?
  5. 6. advised male drove past and pointed a gun at him
  6. 8. An elderly female calls saying she was in the parking lot of the mall when a male tried to steal her car. She fought him off and he ran away on foot. Occurred an hour ago.
  7. 10. how do you classify a woman who found her husband shot to death, the gun still in his hand, in the garage?
  8. 12. what do you classify The Arc of Howard County calling in saying one of their non-verbal clients showed up with bruises all over them this morning?
  9. 13. what do you use for a woman who wants it documented that her ex hasn’t brought her son back to her yet and she has paperwork and wants the howard county police to go and get her child and bring him home?
  10. 14. caller advised she found a 3 year old wandering the park
  11. 16. how do you classify two subjects in camouflage with orange vests walking in the woods in the back of the caller’s house with shotguns?
  12. 19. caller states someone just kicked in her front door