CAMBA Winter Week 1

  1. 2. to separate and examine critically
  2. 7. the line by which a figure or object is defined;a general report explaining the main idea
  3. 8. to show to be right; to defend as innocent or guiltless
  4. 10. a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital; to go over a subject again
  5. 13. to express in a concise form
  6. 14. to tell in written or spoken words
  7. 15. to give or provide the meaning for
  8. 16. to examine in order to see similarities and differences
  9. 18. to fight; to have disagreement
  10. 19. to tell; to give an account
  11. 20. to make understandable
  1. 1. expressing in few words
  2. 3. to determine the value; to judge worth
  3. 4. the condition of a person or a thing
  4. 5. the subject of discussion
  5. 6. to explain with drawings, pictures or other artwork; to clarify with examples
  6. 9. to compare in order to show unlikeness or differences
  7. 11. proof or disproof
  8. 12. to find fault or wrong with
  9. 17. to establish the truth of; to acknowledge with surety