  1. 1. - Pace of a camel.
  2. 3. - Fun camel action.
  3. 5. - Type of a camel.
  4. 7. - Another word for camel's foot.
  5. 9. - Equipment used to ride camels.
  6. 12. - Color of a camel.
  7. 13. - Purpose of the camel.
  1. 2. - Camel necessity to drink.
  2. 4. - Camel action when they're thirsty.
  3. 6. - Camel product to drink.
  4. 7. - Camel distinct feature.
  5. 8. - Camel's natural covering coat.
  6. 9. - Surface camels walk in their habitat.
  7. 10. - Camel's natural habitat.
  8. 11. - Height of a camel.