CAML Crossword Craze

  1. 2. A solution which allowed for access to library materials in rural areas as well as among the elderly and mobility-impaired
  2. 3. Town at the center of a major archival find, also the subject of a Bill Morrison documentary
  3. 5. Founder/Director of Ulterior Gallery
  4. 7. Philosopher who said, “Effective democratization can always be measured by this essential criterion: the participation in and the access to the archive, its constitution, and its interpretation.”
  5. 10. Practice at the center of Anna Robinson-Sweet’s article in “American Archivist”
  6. 13. Record label which was affected by a major fire in their archives in 2008
  7. 15. GLAM Institution founded by Jonas Mekas in 1970
  8. 16. One of the National Museum of African American History and Culture’s solutions to imbalanced representation of Black History in their holdings
  9. 18. L in GLAM
  10. 19. Walter's favorite band?
  11. 22. Rule #1 in S. R. Ranganathan’s “Five Laws of Library Science: "Books are for ____"
  12. 23. Artist at the center of Peter Oleksik’s article in “Performance: Newsletter of the SAA Performing Arts Roundtable”
  13. 24. Items that can be found across Bruce Conner’s residence
  14. 26. Artist behind “My Black Death” (and Brian’s favorite!)
  15. 27. G in GLAM
  1. 1. New York Times article: ”To Protest _____, He Takes Artifacts From Museums”
  2. 4. Department Head of the Videographic and Iconographic Archive at the Cineteca Nacional de México
  3. 6. UbuWeb is an example of a ______
  4. 8. Documentarian behind “Ex Libris: The New York Public Library” and “National Gallery”
  5. 9. Phase two of Terry Cook’s assessment of archival paradigm shifts: Cultural _____
  6. 11. Famously controversial practice applied to "It’s a Wonderful Life"
  7. 12. M in GLAM
  8. 14. Documentary which explores power dynamics between GLAMs and local communities through the lens of the removal of a sacred object in Coatlinchan
  9. 17. A in GLAM
  10. 20. Company which tracks its warehouse workers' "productivity"
  11. 21. Artist who is the subject of “Rip Tales” by Jordan Stein, Independent Curator
  12. 25. 16mm film projected for class