Campaigns and Elections Dario Martinez

  1. 2. a discussion between candidates held to address issues and campaign platforms
  2. 4. the occurrence of a shocking electoral victory in which one candidate votes far surpass those of other candidates
  3. 9. A method of voting which enables registered voters to vote in a given election without physically going to the polls
  4. 10. A schedule of planned actions and events leading to the election of the candidate
  5. 11. day federal elections are held on the first tuesday, after the first monday in november on even-numbered years
  6. 13. a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
  7. 14. Ideas and points of debate around which candidates may develop policy.
  8. 15. A member of a state or other political community. only US citizens are allowed to vote in political elections.
  1. 1. an individual currently holding a position of office
  2. 3. campaign money given before or during primaries
  3. 5. meetings where party members gather together to nominate a candidate.
  4. 6. refers to the republican party
  5. 7. An individual running for office in an election
  6. 8. An individual that is appointed or elected to represent others.
  7. 12. a person who attempts to influence a candidates platform toward a specific issue.