Campfire Stories

  1. 1. Eerie or unsettling, creating a sense of fear or unease.
  2. 2. Speaking softly or in hushed tones to create an atmosphere of suspense.
  3. 5. Spirit or apparition believed to haunt certain places.
  4. 11. Related to phenomena beyond the scope of scientific explanation.
  5. 12. Outdoor fire used for warmth and storytelling.
  6. 13. Fictional creature, often terrifying or extraordinary in nature.
  7. 14. Feeling of anticipation or tension in a story.
  1. 1. Outdoor recreational activity involving overnight stays in nature.
  2. 3. Story involving unexplained events or puzzling circumstances.
  3. 4. Traditional story passed down through generations.
  4. 6. Inhabited or frequented by spirits or supernatural beings.
  5. 7. Dark area created by blocking light, often associated with fear.
  6. 8. Supernatural affliction or spell that brings harm or misfortune.
  7. 9. Absence of light, often associated with fear and mystery.
  8. 10. Traditional story often rooted in historical or mythical events.