  1. 1. A form of exercise you can do on a pathway
  2. 5. Where you do your business (Or at least I do)
  3. 8. What you catch in the lake
  4. 11. We use this to make light at night
  5. 12. The main thing you need when fishing
  6. 13. Where you put up the tent
  7. 14. Sometimes you use it to knock down spider webs
  8. 17. Our best friend that climbs on the tent at night
  9. 18. Something you wear on your back
  1. 1. Our favorite thing to make for breakfast
  2. 2. Most people sit around it at night
  3. 3. Our favorite game to play in the tent
  4. 4. The best daughter ever or the best granddaughter ever
  5. 6. What we blow up to sleep on
  6. 7. Sticky treats make over the fire
  7. 9. What we sleep in at night
  8. 10. Something we do in the water sitting down
  9. 15. The place where you may sleep
  10. 16. Big hungry animal