
  1. 4. Safe place to swim during a red flag
  2. 5. Put it in a bag on the trail (and don't forget it)
  3. 7. Tara's obsession
  4. 10. Best place to ambush someone to go for a bike ride.
  5. 12. a snack for Cyrus or Eli
  6. 13. Endless stairs
  7. 14. The state park we stayed at
  8. 16. Appa's nightly nemesis
  9. 19. Something else you can cook over a fire
  10. 21. Your moms biggest fear and greatest obsession
  1. 1. Things to stack in trees
  2. 2. Sandy place to run down
  3. 3. A team based word game
  4. 6. Oval leafed tree on the lot
  5. 8. A spooky spot
  6. 9. Lobe leafed tree on the lot
  7. 11. Needle leafed tree on the lot
  8. 13. A use for a spatch
  9. 15. Not quite a waterfall
  10. 17. Crown of stars in the sky
  11. 18. Something Leandra would never ever do
  12. 20. Something you can cook over a fire