- 3. people like to walk the ____
- 4. people use this to cook s'mores
- 5. some people got _____ gazing
- 6. you roast these over the fire
- 8. when they bite it leaves a bump the itches
- 9. table people use these to eat at
- 11. people use this if they want to sleep inside but still be camping
- 13. people sleep in this if they sleep in a tent
- 1. people use this to see at night
- 2. when you go camping your in _______
- 3. people use this to sleep outside
- 7. you go to a pond and try to catch fish
- 10. people stay at a _________ when they go camping
- 12. use this to keep the bugs away
- 13. when people use marshmallows, graham crackers, a chocolate together its called _____