  1. 2. You sleep here when you go camping
  2. 6. You use this to blow you mattress up
  3. 8. You need this to know which way to go
  4. 11. Snakes, insects... are all part of this
  5. 12. You need this to not feel cold when you go camping
  6. 15. You need to do this to eat
  7. 17. You need this to light a fire
  1. 1. You use these to avoid your tent falling
  2. 3. You need this to see in the dark
  3. 4. You need this just in case you cut yourself
  4. 5. Name of the person that goes camping
  5. 7. Place where you go camping
  6. 9. This is similar to walking, but in the forest
  7. 10. Be careful! This is hot
  8. 13. You put all the things you need into this object
  9. 14. There are a lot of these in the sky every night
  10. 16. You use this in the water