DSA crossword puzzle

  1. 2. What month of the school year do we have the most days off from school?
  2. 4. What was the name of the book we read in ELA during the quarter?
  3. 6. How many semesters are in a school year?
  4. 7. how many pep rally's do we have a year?
  5. 9. Which administrator usually gives out candy to students?
  6. 11. Who is our school principle?
  7. 12. When is the 8th grade dance this year?
  8. 14. When should the new DSA campus be ready?
  1. 1. What road is the new DSA campus located on?
  2. 3. How often do we have our pep rally's?
  3. 5. Where can your parents see your grades?
  4. 8. The new program our school is using for reading
  5. 10. How many days is in quater 2?
  6. 13. What year did DSA open?
  7. 14. What zipcode is our school in?