Colorful Canada !

  1. 1. Inuits used to live in these houses made of ice.
  2. 7. It is a liquid you can put on pancakes.
  3. 8. Name of the descendants of the Thule people.
  4. 10. It is a piece of land given by the government to the Aboriginals.
  5. 11. It is the language spoken by Inuits.
  6. 12. Sea animals you can watch on the Saint Lawrence River.
  7. 13. It is the national animal of Canada.
  8. 15. The fact of speaking two languages.
  9. 17. Derogative word meaning "eaters of raw meat".
  1. 2. It is the capital city of Canada.
  2. 3. A synonym for Aboriginals.
  3. 4. Famous city in British Columbia.
  4. 5. He is the Prime Minister of Canada.
  5. 6. It is a large waterfall located between Canada and the USA.
  6. 9. It is the Canadian national sport.
  7. 14. Can be found in Yellowknife.
  8. 16. Can also be found in Yellowknife.