canada ww1

  1. 2. Elections Act, an Act that gave the vote to Canadian women related to servicemen, but cancelled the vote for conscientious objectors & immigrants from enemy countries
  2. 5. an airplane with 2 sets of wings, one on top of the body and one underneath
  3. 7. a fighter pilot who has shot down 5 enemy aircraft
  4. 8. Bonds, bonds issued by the Canadian government to support the war effort
  5. 14. a person skilled in shooting
  6. 16. military search or exploration
  7. 18. Measures Act, an Act that gives the federal government emergency powers during wartime, including the right to detain people without laying charges
  8. 20. corpus, the right of a detained person to be brought before a judge or other official to decide whether the detention is lawful
  9. 21. a group of ships travelling together protected by an armed force
  10. 24. to send a person back to his/her country of origin
  11. 25. of attrition, a military strategy based on exhausting the enemy's manpower & resources before yours are exhausted, usually involving great losses on both sides
  12. 27. devotion to one's culture & nation
  13. 29. a believer in a political & economic system in which the means of production & distribution in a country are publicly owned & controlled for the benefit of all members of society
  14. 32. Government, the coalition government formed by Conservatives & some Liberals & independents that governed Canada from 1917 to 1920
  15. 34. Days Campaign, the final Allied offensive against the Central Powers on the Western Front from August 8-November 11, 1918
  16. 36. large guns used to fire shells
  1. 1. Voters Act, an Act that allowed men & women serving overseas to vote
  2. 3. alien, a national living in a country that is at war with his/her homeland
  3. 4. aerial duels between aircraft
  4. 6. camp, a government-run camp where people who are considered a threat are detained
  5. 7. loyalty or faithfulness
  6. 9. information, usually produced by governments, presented in such a way as to inspire & spread particular beliefs or opinions
  7. 10. those injured, killed, captured, or missing in action
  8. 11. objector, a person who opposes war for religious or moral reasons
  9. 12. election, the name given to the 1917 federal election because of Borden's efforts to win the military vote
  10. 13. making profit by raising prices on needed goods or producing poor quality materials
  11. 15. an agreement by warring parties to end hostilities
  12. 17. of Versailles, one of the treaties that ended the First World War; it imposed strict sanctions on Germany
  13. 18. Front, the area of fighting in western Europe during the First World War, characterized by trench warfare and inconclusive battles with heavy casualties on both sides
  14. 19. forced enlistment in the armed forces of all fit men of certain ages
  15. 22. tax, a tax charged to businesses based on their total revenues
  16. 23. Peace Conference, a meeting in Paris in 1919 to discuss the terms of a peace agreement after WW1
  17. 26. movement, groups organized to improve conditions for workers
  18. 28. tax, a tax on personal income
  19. 30. mans land, the area between the trenches of 2 opposing forces
  20. 31. rationing, a civilian effort to consume less & conserve supplies on the home front
  21. 33. Service Act, a 1917 Act that made conscription compulsory for all Canadian men between the ages of 20 & 45, calling up the younger men first
  22. 35. marine, civilian ships & sailors that transported food, weapons, & munitions