Canadian Culture and Heritage

  1. 5. - hatred of other people because they are different from you
  2. 6. - the common features, beliefs and values shared by people of a country or region
  3. 9. - a standard of excellence for others to follow
  4. 10. - a very explosive liquid
  5. 11. - something given after death
  6. 13. - important events in history that help shape and define a person, group or country
  1. 1. - when every agrees
  2. 2. - a big jump
  3. 3. - a person escaping war or other hardship
  4. 4. - something that is very important
  5. 6. - fighting in times of war
  6. 7. - a response to text or speech
  7. 8. - a medication developed to treat Diabetes
  8. 12. - totally destroyed