Canadian Legal System

  1. 3. law that involves conflicts with the government
  2. 7. jurisdiction of a subject matter belongs to more than one level of government
  3. 9. the process by which a bill becomes a law
  4. 11. branch of the government that sets policy
  5. 14. doctrine that states that when there is a conflict between federal and provincial laws, the federal law will prevail
  6. 15. branch of government that creates law
  7. 17. the level of government that receives its law making power from s. 92 of the government
  8. 18. jurisdiction of a subject matter belongs only to one level of government
  1. 1. law kind of law that sets out one's rights, duties and obligations
  2. 2. a latin term that denotes when a subject matter is outside the jurisdiction of a particular level of government
  3. 4. a latin term that denotes when a subject matter is within the jurisdiction of a particular level of government
  4. 5. judge-made law which relies on the system of precedent
  5. 6. branch of the government that includes the court system
  6. 8. similar cases will be decided in similar ways
  7. 10. the level of government that receives its law making power from s. 91 of the Constitution
  8. 12. supreme law of Canada
  9. 13. kind of law that sets out procedure for enforcement of laws
  10. 16. law that involves conflicts between individual citizens, also known as private law