Canadian Money

  1. 2. Not a moose but rather a caribou
  2. 3. Rhymes with 'waving' (a money term)
  3. 6. Money that is left after expenses have been paid
  4. 8. Money earns this when put into a savings account
  5. 9. Opposite of wealthy
  6. 10. A person who has a lot of money
  7. 14. The opposite of save
  8. 17. When both sides are equal, the amount in your account
  9. 18. Money going into a bank account or piggy bank
  10. 19. What you get back when you buy something with real money
  1. 1. Small or large, they sell goods or provide a service
  2. 4. Used to be made of paper, equal to 20 nickels
  3. 5. Bigger than than the sailboat coin but worth less
  4. 7. What you are paid
  5. 11. Borrowing money is called a _______.
  6. 12. Is equal to 4 quarters X 2
  7. 13. This coin has disappeared from Canadian wallets, pockets
  8. 15. When you owe someone money
  9. 16. Non-paper money
  10. 18. If I have ten of these, I have $1
  11. 19. Another word for money, paper or coins