Candace's Baby Shower

  1. 3. shaking toy, or snake sound.
  2. 6. sippy ____.
  3. 8. baby's name (hint K.E.C.)
  4. 12. what mommy will be lacking.
  5. 13. sleep, ____, and play.
  6. 15. basic food for baby.
  7. 16. baby's gender.
  1. 1. soother,or Vin Diesel movie.
  2. 2. pack 'n' _____.
  3. 4. baby's birth month.
  4. 5. baby will be showered will plenty of ____.
  5. 7. wheeled transportation.
  6. 9. sleep song.
  7. 10. baby will go through a million of these.
  8. 11. baby bed.
  9. 14. mommy's name.