  1. 2. For patients with HAP/VAP due to P. aeruginosa, this antibiotic class is not recommended for monotherapy
  2. 3. This is the minimum recommended duration of antimicrobial therapy for treatment of CAP
  3. 6. This is the number of recommended days for antimicrobial treatment of HAP
  4. 8. Standard empiric therapy for severe CAP includes a beta-lactam and this class of antibiotic
  5. 9. This agent can be used in patients who test positive for influenza
  6. 11. This class of antibiotics can be used as monotherapy for initial treatment of CAP
  7. 13. This lab is used in addition to clinical criteria to guide the discontinuation of antibiotic therapy in HAP/VAP
  8. 14. Anaerobic coverage for suspected aspiration pneumonia should be added when this is suspected
  9. 15. Intravenous administration of polymyxins is preferred over this route due to the lack of supporting evidence
  1. 1. HAP is defined as pneumonia occurring how long after hospital admission
  2. 4. This glycopeptide antibiotic is used for its MRSA activity
  3. 5. Due to this side effect of colistin, carbapenems and ampicillin-sulbactam are preferred agents for treating Acinetobacter species
  4. 7. This tool is used by clinicians to assess the severity of CAP and is preferred over the CURB-65
  5. 10. It is recommended that empiric antibiotic regimen be guided by this tool which shows local antibiotic-resistance data
  6. 12. This carbapenem has no activity against P. aeruginosa and should be avoided for treatment of pneumonia due to this organism