Capital Assets

  1. 5. capital allowances are calculated at ________ rates given in legislation (8)
  2. 6. chargeable period for IT cannot be longer than __ months (8)
  3. 7. capital allowances can be used to encourage __________ (10)
  4. 10. fall in value of capital assets (12)
  5. 12. test for plant that looks at the life span of an asset (10)
  6. 14. type of expenditure that does not qualify for capital allowances, including goodwill (10)
  7. 15. if disposal value of an asset > value of pool, a balance ___ arises on excess (6)
  8. 16. type of allowance available over a number of years on a reducing balance basis (7,4)
  9. 17. what a fall in value of capital assets is called in the trading and profit and loss account (12,6)
  10. 21. chargeable period for IT (6,2,6)
  11. 23. type of plant and machinery exempt from AIA (3)
  12. 24. pool for all other plant and machinery
  13. 25. single allowance available where balance in the main/special rate pool is < £1,000 (5,5)
  14. 26. is a burglar alarm system plant?
  15. 28. relevent transactions can take place between ___ ___ (9,7)
  16. 30. where a customer must make their CA claim (6)
  1. 1. if disposal value of an asset < value of pool, a balance ___ is given on excess (9)
  2. 2. main type of capital allowance (5,3,9)
  3. 3. test for plant asking whether the asset retains separate visual identity from the building (8)
  4. 4. number of activities that make a person eligible for CAs (4)
  5. 8. type of pool cars with CO2 emissions > 130g/km go into (7,4)
  6. 9. type of activity and expenditure a person must be carrying out to receive capital allowances (10)
  7. 11. chargeable period for CT cannot be longer than __ months (6)
  8. 13. something with moving parts, including electronic equipment and computers (9)
  9. 18. chargeable period for CT (10,6)
  10. 19. is a road plant?
  11. 20. type of pool short life assets go into (6,5)
  12. 22. available on the internet to show hybrid rates (5,9)
  13. 23. no restriction on size of customer that can claim AIA, but there are some restrictions applying to businesses under this (6,6)
  14. 27. test for plant that looks at whether an asset is used as apparatus in the business (8,3)
  15. 29. person incurring expenditure must ___ the asset as a result of incurring it (3)