capital cities

  1. 2. :de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil
  2. 3. :Siam is....the for Thailand
  3. 5. :the capital of Russia
  4. 8. :the previous name of Myanmar
  5. 10. :the capital of Malaysia
  6. 13. :the capital of China
  7. 14. :Delhi the capital of India
  8. 15. :the initials for New ZealandNZ
  9. 16. :the capital of Vietnam
  1. 1. :the capital of England
  2. 3. :Havana is the capital of
  3. 4. :the capital of France
  4. 5. :To find these countries you need a of the world.
  5. 6. :the capital of South Korea
  6. 7. :the capital of Taiwan
  7. 9. :Tokyo is the capital of
  8. 11. :the initials for the United Nation
  9. 12. :the capital of Italy
  10. 13. :the capital of ThailandBangkok
  11. 14. :the initials for New Zealand