Capital cities

  1. 1. the capital of Thailand
  2. 3. Tokyo is the capital of __ __ __ __ __.
  3. 5. the previous name of Myanmar.
  4. 8. the capital of India
  5. 9. Havana is the capital of __ __ __ __ .
  6. 10. the initials for the United Nations
  7. 11. To find these countries you need a __ __of the world.
  8. 12. the capital of France
  9. 15. the capital of Russia
  10. 18. Siam is the __ __ __ name for Thailand
  11. 19. the capital of Norway
  1. 2. the capital of Malaysia
  2. 4. the initials for New Zealand
  3. 5. the capital of China
  4. 6. the capital of Vietnam
  5. 7. the capital of Taiwan
  6. 13. the capital of Italy
  7. 14. the capital of England
  8. 16. the capital of South Korea
  9. 17. __ __ __ __de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil.