Capital cities

  1. 3. - Capital of Australia and known for its modern architecture.
  2. 5. - Hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics and has the Forbidden City.
  3. 6. - Located on the Nile River and home to the Pyramids of Giza.
  4. 8. - Home to Big Ben and Buckingham Palace.
  5. 9. - Known for its iconic onion-shaped domes and the Kremlin.
  1. 1. - Once the capital of the Roman Empire and home to the Colosseum.
  2. 2. - Known as the City of Love and famous for the Eiffel Tower.
  3. 4. - Planned city with futuristic architecture and capital of Brazil.
  4. 5. - Divided by a wall until 1989 and has a famous gate named after it.
  5. 7. - Hosted the 2020 Summer Olympics and has a bustling nightlife.