Capital cities

  1. 2. / Capital of Scandinavian country.
  2. 6. / Famous city along the longest river in the world. It is the capital of the country famous for ancient monuments.
  3. 7. / Capital city of largest Himalayan state in Asia.
  4. 9. / Capital city of a contingent and country.
  5. 11. / One of south america’s largest city. Capital of the country famous for ‘Machu Picchu’.
  1. 1. / Capital of the country formerly known as Ceylon. It's also famous for tea plantations.
  2. 3. / An island city-state off southern Malaysia
  3. 4. / Capital of European country often referred by many different names. The city has many canals and waterways.
  4. 5. / Capital city of the ‘land of the rising sun’.
  5. 8. / Capital of the country that has won the most FIFA football world cups.
  6. 10. / City where the European Parliament is located. Also, the name of famous type of sprout.