Capital cities

  1. 1. City where the European Parliament is located. Also, the name of famous type of sprout.
  2. 4. Capital city of a contingent and country.
  3. 5. Capital city of the ‘land of the rising sun’.
  4. 7. Capital of European country often referred by many different names. The city has many canals and waterways.
  5. 8. Capital of Scandinavian country.
  6. 9. Capital of the country that has won the most FIFA football world cups.
  1. 2. An island city-state off southern Malaysia
  2. 3. Famous city along the longest river in the world. It is the capital of the country famous for ancient monuments.
  3. 4. Capital of the country formerly known as Ceylon. It's also famous for tea plantations.
  4. 6. Capital city of largest Himalayan state in Asia.
  5. 10. One of south america’s largest city. Capital of the country famous for ‘Machu Picchu’.