Capital markets

  1. 3. An exchange.
  2. 6. A market where prices incorporate all information is ______ form efficient.
  3. 8. A short without ownership.
  4. 13. Cash flow from a bond.
  5. 15. Short-term securities are _______ market securities.
  6. 18. What returns do.
  7. 20. An OTC market.
  8. 21. Like an index, but trades like a stock.
  9. 22. Trading based on patterns is _________ trading.
  10. 23. The other side of buying an option.
  11. 25. Long-term securities are ________ market securities.
  12. 27. A yield that uses the face value as a base is a ______ yield.
  13. 28. The option to buy a stock is a ______ option.
  1. 1. A return over a period of time.
  2. 2. An expression of a what you earn.
  3. 4. Selling shares you do not own is ______ selling.
  4. 5. Technical trading does not work if the market is ____ form efficient.
  5. 7. The right to a transaction, but not the obligation.
  6. 9. Cash flow from stock.
  7. 10. The return expressed in annual terms is a ______ return.
  8. 11. This fund takes big risks.
  9. 12. A long-term debt obligation.
  10. 14. A physical trading location.
  11. 15. An open-ended fund.
  12. 16. Trading with leverage is ______ trading.
  13. 17. Ownership.
  14. 19. A non-physical market.
  15. 24. Evidence of ownership of a company.
  16. 26. The option to sell a stock is a ______ option.