Capitalism and Communism

  1. 3. Belief that the government should not interfere in the economy
  2. 8. time period of the Industrial Revolution during which Marx developed his theory of Communism
  3. 10. 1848 Marx/Engels book explaining their economic theory
  4. 13. Prices are set by what producers and consumers agree upon (requires no government interference)
  5. 14. wealthy capitalists; Factory and farm owners according to Marx
  6. 16. Wrote Wealth of Nations; Established CAPITALISM
  1. 1. History's final conflict; proletariats rise up to overthrow capitalists and create a new society
  2. 2. industrial workers according to Marx
  3. 4. freedom to conduct any business you want
  4. 5. best economic system at generating wealth and technology
  5. 6. Consumers can buy WHAT they want WHERE they want (capitalism)
  6. 7. Marx predicted the workers of the world would unite to overthrow capitalism
  7. 9. 1776 book written by Adam Smith;explains capitalism
  8. 11. of society are met by a person or company's desire to make a profit
  9. 12. Proletariat (workers) are exploited and earn very little pay (Marx)
  10. 15. New society would be _______ with equal sharing of work, political power, and profits