
  1. 1. distinctive forms of language associated to specific regions with unique pronunciation or grammar
  2. 3. a state of someone who lack a certain amount on money or possessions
  3. 4. nongovernamental organization
  4. 6. Religions that attempt to appeal to everyone regardless of location or culture
  5. 10. Concept that exists in ethnicity but not in race
  6. 11. International Monetary Fund
  7. 12. A hybrid form of culture formed by the mix on two or more cultures
  8. 13. the ones that force people out of their country
  9. 14. common nationality or shared cultural traditions
  1. 2. Remain identified with a specific ethnic, tribal or national group
  2. 3. the ones that attract people in the country
  3. 5. international governamentam organization
  4. 7. the main reason of poverty
  5. 8. North America free trade agreement
  6. 9. population bass on physical characteristics or genetic traits