Charlie's Crossword - Car Brands

  1. 3. An Italian Car brand Owned by Fiat
  2. 6. Shut down on 20 October 2017
  3. 7. Big American Utes
  4. 10. German Small car
  5. 11. Close but not quiet an SUV
  6. 12. Fully Electric
  7. 13. Most cars Sold Worldwide
  1. 1. Produces multiple other vehicles than cars
  2. 2. First ever car in the world
  3. 4. Fanciest Car in the world
  4. 5. 2023 best Ute of the year
  5. 8. 2 million cars in Australia - Imagine that
  6. 9. Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino
  7. 14. Sponsors Mount Hotham