Car Rental Project

  1. 2. Yellow Car
  2. 6. people use to get around faster
  3. 7. bus tours
  4. 10. ID/Picture Day
  5. 12. Train transportation
  6. 14. Cross City Driver
  7. 15. Founder, Jack Taylor
  8. 18. Warren Avis
  9. 19. "Choo Choo"
  10. 20. Cars fuel
  1. 1. Amazon...
  2. 3. ...license
  3. 4. Cross Country Driver
  4. 5. fabric
  5. 8. Walter L. Jacob
  6. 9. Bus service
  7. 11. Vacation
  8. 13. Train in the city
  9. 14. multiple transportation routes
  10. 16. Martin Sixt
  11. 17. 2 wheels and peddles