Car Trip Winter 2023

  1. 4. multiple of a wind catcher (and name of a hotel)
  2. 6. destination
  3. 7. The country music capital of NSW
  4. 8. sport Adam does
  5. 13. Where is the big banana located? ----- Harbour
  6. 15. Place where we are staying on the way up
  7. 16. Tingstrom v ---------- (country in Asia)
  8. 17. type of fuel good for this journey,
  9. 19. something mum shouldn't be checking this holiday
  10. 20. where Lucy lives
  1. 1. water park
  2. 2. The country's flag without the colours red white and blue
  3. 3. city/beach near where we are staying
  4. 5. In this sport you dig, set, spike
  5. 9. our number plate
  6. 10. A state
  7. 11. The colour that is only found in the Spanish and Mexican flag in it
  8. 12. ----- on main (hotel)
  9. 14. Mum's boss
  10. 18. -----FIVESIX (bus Isaac catches)