Carbohydrate Review

  1. 2. Polysaccharide formed in plants
  2. 5. Disaccharide formed from 2 molecules of glucose
  3. 6. Dissachharide formed when glucose bonds with galactose
  4. 8. Hormone that lowers bloos sugar and is released from the pancreas
  5. 11. Polysaccharide formed in animals
  6. 13. Dissaccharide that is also known as table sugar
  7. 14. The inner layer of a whole grain packed with nutrients
  8. 16. Type ____ diabetes is often caused by lifestyle & is often diagnosed in teens/adults
  9. 17. carbohydrates composed of 2 sugar molecules
  10. 18. Type ____ diabetes is genetic and is often diagnosed in children.
  11. 19. Unlike whole grains, ________ carbohdrates are stripped of fiber & nutrients
  12. 20. The outer layer of a whole grain packed with nutriens
  1. 1. most carbohydrates are made by plants by this process.
  2. 3. arbohyrates are the main source of _______ for the body.
  3. 4. carbohydrates composed of 1 sugar molecule
  4. 7. The human organ that processes sugar & converts it into glucose
  5. 9. Disease where blood sugar is uncontrolled
  6. 10. The main monosaccharide found in fruits
  7. 12. The main monosaccharide used by the human body
  8. 14. Hormone that raises blood sugar and is released from the pancreas
  9. 15. Type of polysaccharide that cannot be digested