
  1. 2. a condition where the body either does not produce enough insulin to regulate blood glucose levels or the body's cell do not respond to insulin properly.
  2. 3. A healthy body maintains blood sugar levels throughout the day, releasing ________ when you eat to make sure it stays within the appropriate range.
  3. 6. Sucrose, the most common disaccharide is made from a glucose molecule and a ______ molecule
  4. 7. Carbohydrates provide _____________ faster and easier than other sources such as fats or proteins.
  5. 9. ______ is when a water molecule is added to a compound to break the bonds and form separate molecules from compounds.
  6. 11. Plants are able to produce carbohydrates through _______, the process where plants use light to make sugars and other organic food molecules.
  7. 13. The glucose is stored in the ________ and stems of plants, to be later used by humans and animals who consume them.
  8. 14. the two main ________ of carbohydrates are simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates
  9. 15. Lactose, a disaccharide most notably found in milk, results in _______________ and glucose after hydrolysis.
  1. 1. The two main categories of complex carbohydrates include starches and dietary _________.
  2. 4. organic compounds which have the exact same formula but a different atomic structure
  3. 5. Potatoes and Grains are large sources of _______ for humans and animals.
  4. 8. After carbohydrates are digested and broken down into glucose, the glucose is transported to the cells throughout the body via the ___________.
  5. 10. the type of diabetes that occurs in females who are pregnant and experience high blood glucose levels that have never been diagnosed with diabetes before.
  6. 12. Carbohydrates are also referred to as _______