
  1. 3. The smallest vessels in the Venous system.
  2. 4. Occurs when the Atria Contract and the Ventricles relax (bottom number of BP)
  3. 6. Return de-oxygenated blood to the Right Atrium, the largest vessels in the venous system
  4. 9. This artery that branches off the Aorta gives the heart blood supply
  5. 10. Fibers that branch throughout the lower section of the heart that distribute the charge to facilitate contraction of the ventricles.
  6. 11. This Ventricle pumps the blood into the Aorta (thick part of Heart)
  7. 12. This node of the heart is known as the "pacemaker" of the heart, initiates the electrical signal.
  8. 16. Narrowing of the vessels, usually due to a cholesterol build up
  9. 18. Carry blood Away from the heart
  10. 19. Closing of the Semi-lunar Valves
  11. 20. Red blood cell
  12. 21. Heart rate above 100BPM
  13. 22. Thickest vessel in the arterial system, comes directly OUT of the heart.
  14. 23. Strengthens Heart Muscle
  15. 24. MyocardialInfarction, Death of heart tissue (aka a heart attack)
  16. 26. Site where the blood drops off CO2 and picks up O2 in the lungs
  17. 27. Clotting factors.
  18. 30. Valve between the Left Ventricle and Left Atrium
  1. 1. Separates the left and right sides of the heart
  2. 2. This ventricle pumps de-oxygenated blood to the lungs through the semilunar valve.
  3. 3. The lower sections of the heart.
  4. 5. The top sections of the heart
  5. 7. Where the Arterial and Venous systems meet, the site where O2 is dropped off and CO2 is picked up, "the marshlands"
  6. 8. Occurs when the Ventricles contract and the Atria relax (top number of BP)
  7. 13. A blood clot
  8. 14. Heart rate below 60BPM
  9. 15. Valves named due to their "moonlike" appearance
  10. 17. Contractions of these type of muscle force the blood up through the venous system
  11. 21. Valve between the Right Ventricle and Right Atrium
  12. 25. Carry blood TO the heart
  13. 28. Chest pain due to lack of O2 (blood flow) to the heart muscle
  14. 29. A dislodged blood clot that travels through the bloodstream, causes strokes and MI's frequently
  15. 31. Closing of the tricuspid and mitral valve