Cardiac and Respiratory Disorders

  1. 7. thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries
  2. 9. lack of oxygen that may lead to unconsciousness or death
  3. 12. restriction of the bronchial tubes frequently caused by allergies
  4. 14. heart attack. Occurs when the coronary areries that feed the heart muscles are blocked or clogged
  5. 15. when patient stops breathing repeatedly when sleeping
  6. 18. type of heart failure that causes fluid to build up around the heart, lungs and other organs
  7. 20. inflammation of the bronchi
  8. 21. sounds heard with a stethoscope in the lungs because of fluid in the airways
  9. 22. difficult or painful breathing
  1. 1. bluish discoloration of the skin and nail beds
  2. 2. inhalation of food or other foreign body into the respiratory system
  3. 3. blood disorder that prevents blood from clotting
  4. 4. diseases of the heart muscle
  5. 5. condition in which breathing is easier when sitting or standing
  6. 6. cancer of white blood cells
  7. 8. genetic disease affects children by the production of thick mucus, causing congestion in the lungs and digestive system
  8. 10. inflammation of the throat; sore throat
  9. 11. inflammation of the voice box
  10. 13. respiratory disorder occurring in infants and children that typically displays a barking type of cough
  11. 16. extremely painful condition caused by inflammation of the membrane surrounding the lungs
  12. 17. rapid breathing
  13. 19. foreign material that is circulating in the bloodstream