- 3. Cardiac arrest caused by blood in the pericardial sac
- 5. This side of the heart is more likely to fail first
- 6. Angina that occurs during exercise
- 8. Describes sputum coughed up by LVF patients
- 9. Pulse rate greater than 100 bpm
- 16. Medical term for heart attack
- 17. Swelling found in limbs
- 18. Drug administered to prevent clot formation
- 20. Pulse rate lower than 60 bpm
- 21. Medical term for a blood clot
- 23. Pulse located in the neck
- 1. Pulse located in the foot
- 2. Difficulty in breathing when lying down
- 4. reduced colour in patients skin
- 7. Fatty deposits within the blood vessels
- 10. The term given to low circulating blood volume
- 11. Inhaled analgesic gas
- 12. Pulse located in the upper arm
- 13. Excess sweating
- 14. Potent vasodilator drug, dose of 400mcg
- 15. Chemicals which may lead to a cardiac arrest
- 19. Red blood cells change into this shape and can become clumped
- 22. This pulse is located at the wrist